Many westerners dream of radiant health. We at Skin of Gold™, like to define it as healthy from the inside out. Healthy & functioning inner organs radiating outward to beautiful outer organs like your hair, skin & nails! It’s obvious, what we put in, must come out! Take these 3 simple steps to achieve radiant health.
Health…We can’t see it, but we sure can feel it! It’s a terrible feeling when we can’t eliminate waste from our colon. We feel sluggish and our skin color turns somewhat gray and cloudy. Why do most of us experience episodes of irregularity and worse, constipation? The most common cause for this is inadequate water consumption, which we addressed in Part 4 of this series. The second most common cause is lack of adequate fiber. The media tries to educate us on fiber requirements and miraculous fixes but this one-sided source of information nearly always has a processed food item sponsoring the message. Don’t believe it. Any chronic condition in our bodies begs us to get back to the basics of clean living. Clean living requires 2 simple steps and each has to do with water. Have radiant health again by implementing real dietary fiber & practicing good hygiene.
Water Your Garden
Think of your body as a garden, without water, the plants would surely die. We discussed dehydration and illness in Part 4 of this series and how much water we should consume for healthy skin and optimum health. The answer lies in each person’s body weight and workload and is measured somewhere between 1/3 and 2/3 of a fluid ounce per pound of body weight.
Consume Dietary Fiber That’s Real!
The foods of commerce (foods made to sell, really not to eat) has minimal nutritional value. Most of the nutrients and dietary fiber have been removed, but if you pay a little extra they’ll put some of it back in! Our family likes to choose “real fiber” foods such as a raw vegetable salad with natural dressings and spices (don’t mistaken macaroni or potato salad as comparable). With it, at least 1 serving of fresh fruit daily, and a serving of soaked flax seeds. For persons who consume meat, this probably won’t be sustaining enough, but beans and/or brown rice will do the trick. Beans are extremely high in fiber and a very good source of the amino-acid, lysine. Lysine is the limiting-growth factor for most mammals including humans, so it’s excellent in helping children grow. The combination of beans & rice is a staple for many of the world’s peoples. They would undoubtedly outlive their industrialized cousins if they practiced good hygiene.
The Good Hygiene Routine
Clean living means a clean outer body as well. Gerontologists, and medical science has established that having good hygiene is more responsible for the increase in life-expectancy than all other factors combined, including nutrition and medical attention! (source this - can’t find anything to support) This is a strong statement that should not be overlooked. Concealed cameras in public bathrooms reveal that a minority of people wash their hands, and those that do, use cold water for 10 seconds without the benefit of soap! This practice is filthy, foolish and unbelievably popular! At least 30 seconds of hand-washing with hot water and soap is required to eliminate fecal bacteria from your hands. Don’t forget to wash your hands before eating too!
Achieving radiant health is fairly easy. To sum up,
Drink an adequate amount of water for your body type and need, avoiding diuretics
Consume a fundamentally sound plant-based diet heavy in raw foods
Shower daily and wash your hands with soap frequently
We at Skin of Gold™ formulate our products to align with the ideology of clean living. Find out what’s inside!