5 Simple Practices to Avoid Parabens and other Metalloestrogens

SMILE: cosmetic toxicity hasn’t killed me yet…Parabens: The Common Deadly Cosmetic Ingredient Found in 99% of Breast Tumors

SMILE: cosmetic toxicity hasn’t killed me yet…

Parabens: The Common Deadly Cosmetic Ingredient Found in 99% of Breast Tumors

There are many synthetic compounds and heavy metals that mimic estrogen. These are referred to as “estrogenic” and unfortunately a handful of these paraben esters have been proven to be extremely dangerous. They seem to be readily available and everywhere…what can we do about it?


Parabens are simply dangerous. They have a chemical structure that is very similar to estrogen and can mimic the effects of it in the body. Cadmium, another estrogenic compound is an extremely toxic heavy metal, is used as a pigment in many cosmetic products. Women with elevated levels of cadmium have a 21% higher likelihood of having breast cancer than the rest of the population. Cadmium, as well as other estrogen-mimicking heavy metals, are referred to as “metalloestrogens.” These dangerous compounds are alarmingly common in processed foods. Agrichemicals (herbicides and pesticides) consistently contain metalloestrogens. The cosmetic industry and environment are swimming in metalloestrogens, so what can we do? There are 5 simple practices we can implement into our lives to avoid them.

What Can We Do About Parabens and other Metalloestrogens?

Parabens and metalloestrogens seem to be everywhere we turn, in our food and in the air we breathe. We owe it to ourselves to avoid this injustice. Here are 5 simple practices we can undertake to avoid these dangers.

  1. Read manufacturer labels and avoid the use of products that contain parabens and other metalloestrogens.

    Fortunately, manufacturer labels still somewhat tell us the truth about what is contained in our products. We may need to investigate funny names to figure it out but it’s all spelled out there for us. It’s just when the FDA allows names that sound healthy or a name that represents 10 different ingredients that we must be investigators. There is much support on the internet, so research.

  2. Do as much research about these products and companies you purchase from.

    Research and read reviews before you purchase products. The internet is available to almost everyone and contains a plethora of good information.

  3. Choose natural health and beauty products like Skin of Gold™.

    Skin of Gold™ has higher standards. We do NOT use these ingredients in our products and don’t believe in it. Plus, all ingredients are nourishing to the skin and the immune system and serve to repair and restore your skin to great vitality! Never choose face creams and cosmetics that products that

  4. Eat local organic food

    Local stands and markets are great supporters of local, organic fruits and vegetables in any given community. Small farmers usually don’t use the same farming practices as corporate farmers like names you would recognize at the grocer. Take advantage of local choices for your health. You’ll be supporting your community and neighborhood farmers.

  5. Avoid highly industrialized areas where the air is polluted with heavy metals.

    We’re not in the Garden of Eden anymore… so be sure to not spend much time in highly polluted and large industrial areas. This also means a job. We all have to work but if our work causes us to get sick, is it really worth it. Rethink life and don’t make decisions based on money.

Dr. Mercola and A Healthy Life

We encourage you to read 40 Women With Breast Cancer Had Parabens in Their Tissues. Dr. Mercola has one of the most visited natural health websites on earth, and rightfully so. For many years he has been exposing, documenting, and explaining the bewildering challenges to living a healthy life. His writing and speaking is clear and comprehensible and his information is highly credible. This is because he documents everything he says and all research is supported by valid footnotes. We encourage you to sign up for his emails. With that said, sometimes the grim facts can be a bit too much but remember, you don’t have to read all the posts!

Hopeless about Health?

Dwelling on the “ugly truths” about toxins like parabens, cadmium, and metalloestrogens running rampant in this world can make you feel hopeless about health and downright scared about life in general. Get out of the “gloom & doom” and take control of your life. Do this by performing the 5 simple practices mentioned above. If you follow our advice on a healthy lifestyle, you will live a more healthy and hopeful life. But it is important to know this information in a logical, factual manner so you can share it with others who are interested. This information can encourage your friends and family to sidestep many of the problems and enable them to also live a longer and healthier life.